Vanda Carter
Children's books
These three books are “two mummies” books. That is because there weren’t any good ones and there needed to be, so we made some. I believe that we should give children an honest and balanced view of the real world. You know, that real world where kids drive space ships…
It’s so much easier doing 32 drawings for a book than 3000 drawings for an animated film. And it's so much fun. Why didn't I think of that before?
Spacegirl Pukes
Written by Katie Watson
Illustrated by Vanda Carter
First edition: Onlywomen Press 2005
New edition published by
Spacegirl Books Ltd 2017
If I Had A Hundred Mummies
Want Toast
Written & illustrated by Vanda Carter
Published by Onlywomen Press
Written by Anna Wilson
Illustrated by Vanda Carter
Published by Onlywomen Press
Where can you buy these super books?
Spacegirl Pukes is back in print, in a great second edition produced by
If you are a bookshop wanting to stock Spacegirl Pukes please contact
Gay's The Word bookshop have stocks of the book.
You can order Spacegirl Pukes from your local bookshop or buy it online through Amazon.
Let's hope If I Had A Hundred Mummies and Want Toast will also be available again some time soon! Do we still need these books? Yes, we do!