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Denise Hawrysio's installation at the Pullens Centre

I made my first animated film in the heatwave summer of 1976 with my father's Standard 8 movie camera clamped to the top of an A-frame ladder in the garden at home. It was fun. 

I have always made short films. I think this is because I have a great fear of boring my audiences. I like the idea that people finish watching my film and say "Wow. There was a lot in that - I need to watch it again" And again. 

Click here to see some of my moving image work:

And when the children were small I had great fun showing them how to make things move:

LFMC Vanda developing film 053web

Processing 16mmm film at the London Film Makers Co-op c.1987

Vanda Carter

Film & animation

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