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Vanda Carter

Various Sculptures

These sculptures are made with a variety of materials - mild steel,  copper, lead, bronze, brass, glass, wood, stones, polyester resin and found objects.


Scroll down to see.

Xenomorph 3940 web


StitchInTime copy2

Stitch in Time

Spring Theory

Cat Mask 20210822_121515

Cat Mask


                 2020 (Detail)

There is better luck somewhere.

We just have to get to it.

Copper fruit bowl 171336V1 copy.jpg

Wrong Key

Wireman 76 copy

Wire Man

Untitled (as yet) Should I  just call it Ballcock?



Nail vase 172332 V1 copy.jpg

Thorn Vase 

Copper Fruit Bowl

Feather 2137 site page


Crown of Keys





Boot scraper

Not a sculpture? I made it. I'm proud of it!



Rock Lamp



Ostrich Egg Lamp133757 V1 for Insta copy.jpg
Spring Vase 190250-V2-LR.jpg
Sophia 20211021_121647V2 copy.jpg


Spring Vase 

Ostrich Egg Lamp 

20241014_151735 Statinhaus-V2-LR.jpg


Bean pod 20220307_154314 V2 web.jpg

Bean Pod 

Magrite Rien165457 V1-LR.jpg

Should this be called 'Je Ne Magritte Rien'

or 'Ceci n'est pas le fils de l'homme'?

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