Welcome to my website!
Come and sit by my fire for a while.
Vanda Carter
Mothfight in Tromsø

If you happen to find yourself in the Arctic Circle in the next few months…
Tromsø Kunstforening will be screening my film Mothfight on a film-loop in their artists’ moving image exhibition We Circle in Darkness, Consumed by Light as part of the Tromsø International Film Festival: 17 Jan-11 May 2025

Spacegirl pukes
Written by Katy Watson
Illustrated by Vanda Carter
That nauseating and hilarious book Spacegirl Pukes is in print and available, republished in 2017 by Spacegirl Books.
Where can I get copies of Spacegirl Pukes?
If you are a bookshop wanting to stock Spacegirl Pukes please visit the Spacegirl Books website or contact spacegirlbooks@gmail.com.
Gay's The Word bookshop have stocks of the book.
You can also order Spacegirl Pukes from your local bookshop (ISBN number: 978-0-9956587-0-7) or you can buy the book online through Amazon.
What Vanda is reading now
January 2025: 12 Bytes by Jeanette Winterson (2021)
What Vanda was reading then
30 years ago: Aunt Julia & the Scriptwriter by Mario Vargas Llosa (1977)
40 years ago: The Chinese Garden by Rosemary Manning (1962)
50 years ago: A Town Like Alice by Neville Shute (1950)
The Reading Corner
How do I know what I was reading 50 years ago?
Because I have kept a list of all the books I've read since 1974. The Midwich Cuckoos is the first book on my list.
Art Garfunkel has been keeping his book list since 1968 - Have a look